MBMA Rules & Documents (Updated 03/01/2024)  


The first and most important part of League Match scoring is correctly noting players and calculating & marking handicap strokes.

In this example, we have:

Team #1
John, 2 HDCP, Blue/White Tees
George, 5 HDCP, White Tees

Team #2
Paul, 3 HDCP, Blue/White
Ringo, 4 HDCP, Rudy Tees

For regular team members, first names are fine, but for substitutes, please include both first & last names for clarity. All players, handicaps & tees should be confirmed & marked before starting your match.

MBMA 2022 League Scorecard Sample

All handicaps and strokes ‘wheel’ off the player with the lowest handicap – including when that player is his teammate.

In this example, the strokes awarded for the match:

John   2 HDCP   0 strokes in Individual A Match
  (lowest A player never gets strokes)
0 strokes in Team Match
Paul   3 HDCP   1 stroke in Individual A Match
  – hole 7 (Paul 3 – John 2 = 1)
1 stroke in Team Match
  – hole 7 (higher A player always has same strokes)
George   5 HDCP   1 stroke in Individual B Match
  – hole 7 (George 5 – Ringo 4 = 1)
3 strokes in Team Match
  – holes 2, 5, 7 (George 5 – John 2 = 3)
Ringo   4 HDCP   0 strokes in Individual B Match
  (lowest B player never gets individual strokes)
2 strokes in Team Match
  – holes 2, 7 (Ringo 4 – John 2 = 2)

Once your scorecard is properly marked for players & handicaps, the match scoring is relatively straight-forward, with following notes:

MBMA 2022 League Scorecard Sample

  • Only GROSS scores are recorded, ie. actual strokes taken, not including any handicap.
  • The maximum score allowed is double-bogey. You may need to play more strokes to determine a hole winner/loser, but for scoring purposes, double-bogey is the highest score posted.
  • 2 points are awarded for winning a hole, and 1 point for each player is awarded for a tie.
  • 2 additional points are awarded for winning the match, while 1 point for each player is awarded for a tie.
  • Match scores can never be 9-11. Only 10-10, 8-12, or higher scores are possible.
  • The total for each match (A, B, Team) should always add to 20 points.
  • Total scores should always add to 60 points.

Scoring notes from example above:

  • Hole 2: George ties Paul in the team game because he has a Team Stroke.
  • Hole 5: George wins the team game but ties his individual game, because he has a Team Stroke, but not an Individual Stroke.
  • Hole 7: Paul wins both the team and individual games because he has both Team and Individual strokes.
  • A Match: Paul receives 2 additional points (total of 12) for winning his match 10-8.
  • B Match: George and Ringo receive 1 additional point (total of 10) for tying their match.
  • Team Match: Team 1 receives 2 additional points (total of 12) for winning the team match 10-8.