MBMA League Tees & Handicaps (Updated 03/01/2024)  


  • By default, all new players will play the Blue/White Combo tees for all MBMA (non-tournament) League events.
  • Returning players will begin the new season playing from the same tees as at the end of the previous year.
  • Players wishing to play forward (White or Rudy) tees, must confirm with the League Manager at least 1 week prior to the start of the season.
  • Players may not change tees during either half of the league season. A tee change may only happen prior to the start of the season or during the split between 1st and 2nd half.
  • If course conditions or maintenance require any tee box to be closed/moved, the League Manager may require players to play a specific tee location on affected holes. Any changes to tee locations will be posted on the bulletin board, as well as the MBMA website.
  • Other MBMA events (tournaments) may have additional tee options or requirements (with corresponding handicap adjustments.)



  • WHITE TEES - Players wishing to play the white tees must meet one of the following criteria:
  • 70 Years-Old prior to the current half of the league season
    65 Years-Old and at least 5 League Handicap
    At least 8 League Handicap (regardless of age)
  • RUDY TEES - The “Rudy Rule” allows qualifying players to play any tee on any hole, with any combination during a round. Players must meet one of the following criteria:
  • 80 Years-Old prior to the current half of the league season
    75 Years-Old and at least 8 League Handicap
  • Handicaps for all players playing Forward Tees will be calculated with the corresponding course rating and slope for the tees played.
  • Players who qualify to play forward are encouraged to take the opportunity to have lower scores and more fun on the course.
  • However, if the MBMA Officers find a player has received an unfair competitive advantage after moving forward, he will be asked to return to regular league tees for subsequent play.



  • All players should have an established MBMA League Handicap prior to league participation.
  • Players who play without a pre-established handicap will receive a 60% calculation based on their initially posted score.
  • To establish a handicap, new players should submit all recent 18 or 9-hole scores played at Mariana Butte. Scores from league tees are preferred, but other scores can be recalculated based on course rating & slope.
  • Players without any Mariana Butte scores, but with an active WHS/GHIN, can receive an initial handicap based on their course handicap with a 75% calculation applied.
  • Substitutes/players without an established handicap should not be scheduled to play during the last 2 weeks of either league half season. Teams who field such a player will be penalized as if there was a no-show.



  • MBMA League Handicaps are calculated using the lower 3 of a player’s last 5 posted scores. Changed for 2023 from most recent 6 to 5 scores.
  • If a player has fewer than 5 posted scores, the lowest score(s) will be used for his handicap calculation, with a percentage penalty applied based on total scores.
  • Handicap scores are run through a formula based on the course rating & slope and designed to mirror the standard WHS/GHIN course handicap calculation.
  • All posted scores will have Equitable Stroke Control applied, with the maximum score on any hole to be gross double-bogey.
  • Handicaps are calculated each Sunday night during the season, and updated handicaps are posted every Monday prior to league play.
  • Players will play using the same handicap for all matches/events during a week.