Please check our posted policies on League Tees & Handicap Calculations for more details.
Handicaps are calculated using the best 3 of your last 5 scores.
Each of the best 3 scores is converted into a DIFF value using the USGA formula based on the tees played.
Differential = (ESC Gross Score - Course Rating) X 113 / Course Slope
The 3 DIFF values are averaged and rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.
This value is a player's Handicap Index as shown on the handicap sheet.
A player's Playing Handicap is calculated each week using the USGA formula based on the tees played.
HDCP = (Index x (Course Slope / 113) + (Course Rating – Par)) * (Allowance)
The HDCP value is then rounded to the nearest interger.
Handicaps are updated each Sunday to be used for all league matches during the week.
Player Handicaps and Scoring History are now posted to the Handicaps & History Google Sheet. Scroll the tabs on the bottom to find scoring history.